By accessing the website located at and all links to web systems located therein (hereinafter the “Website”), owned by BEE REAL ESTATE HUB, the user agrees to follow and comply with the terms and conditions indicated below. In the event that the user does not agree with the terms and conditions of use, they are requested to refrain from using the Website.


The transfer of personal data and the integrity of the Website are protected using 2048-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology as a secure channel for your transactions.

Since no system can guarantee complete security, we strive to keep the information that the User provides or accesses as secure as possible, including its physical security at the server location where the information is stored.

Collection and use of information

BEE REAL ESTATE HUB’s Privacy and Security Policy applies to the collection and use of information that you provide to us through our Website, said information will be used solely by BEE REAL ESTATE HUB in the fulfillment of its purposes.

BEE REAL ESTATE HUB uses automated systems for the detection and prevention of computer attacks, minimizing the possibility of suffering damage or alterations to the information available on the Website. These allow us to generate reports and logs of unauthorized access to and from our site.

The information will be used for the purpose for which it was requested. BEE REAL ESTATE HUB respects your right to privacy, and will not provide your personal information to third parties without your consent, unless required by applicable law.


It is possible to use tracking technology through “cookies”. The User can use their browser settings to disable the use of “cookies”. If they are disabled, you can continue browsing our Website, but you may experience some restrictions.

Data protection

Web transactional systems are hosted on computers protected by a firewall, therefore there is protection against hacker access. On the other hand, the systems have authentication mechanisms that guarantee that the information will not be accessible by other unauthorized users. In addition, there are backup mechanisms to ensure that data is not lost in the event of a disaster.

Data update

Periodically, the data that you provide us through the Website that may be modified will be reviewed and updated.

Policy update

BEE REAL ESTATE HUB’s Privacy and Security Policy may be modified periodically, in which case the modified Policy will be communicated on the Website.

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